When it comes to radiofrequency ablation, not just anyone is a candidate. In order to be eligible, you must generally have tried other methods of pain management and found them to be ineffective. It would help if you understood the risks and benefits of radiofrequency ablation Naples.
This procedure is not recommended for pregnant women with an active infection near the treatment site or with a pacemaker. If you have had previous surgery in the area to be treated, it is important to let your doctor know.
A radiofrequency ablation is a treatment option for people with chronic pain that has not been relieved by other methods. The procedure involves using heat to destroy the nerve fibers that send pain signals to the brain. Radiofrequency ablation is most often used to treat pain in the lower back, neck, and knees.
You can have the procedure done on an outpatient basis, so you will not have to stay in the hospital overnight. It means you can go home the same day. The procedure takes about an hour, and you may be given a sedative to help you relax.
Below are reasons why people go for radiofrequency ablation
There are various reasons why people go for radiofrequency ablation, which include;
When other methods of pain management have failed
Pain management is not always straightforward. Sometimes, the cause of the pain cannot be determined, making it difficult to treat. Radiofrequency ablation may be an option when other pain management methods have failed.
To avoid surgery
Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that can be done in an outpatient setting. This means you can avoid the risks and costs associated with surgery.
To preserve joint function
If you have pain in a joint, such as the knee, radiofrequency ablation may be an option to help preserve joint function. By destroying the nerve fibers that send pain signals to the brain, radiofrequency ablation can help reduce pain and inflammation.
To improve quality of life
Chronic pain can significantly impact your quality of life. If you have chronic pain that has not been relieved by other methods, radiofrequency ablation may be an option to help improve your quality of life.
To get back to your regular activities
If chronic pain keeps you from enjoying your regular activities, radiofrequency ablation may help. By reducing pain, radiofrequency ablation can help you get back to doing the things you love.
To avoid addiction
Some people who live with chronic pain turn to opioids for relief. Opioids are addictive and can have serious side effects. Radiofrequency ablation may be an option if you are concerned about becoming addicted to opioids.
To save money
Radiofrequency ablation is a cost-effective treatment for chronic pain. Compared to the costs of other methods, such as surgery, radiofrequency ablation can save you money in the long run.
To get relief quickly
Radiofrequency ablation is a quick and effective way to get relief from chronic pain. The procedure is typically done in one session, and you can expect to see results within a few days.
If you suffer from chronic pain and other treatment methods have failed, radiofrequency ablation may be an option. Your doctor at Naples Regenerative Institute can help you decide if radiofrequency ablation is right for you.